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Pest control service

pest control service

Insects cause a lot of harm to humans, the most important of which is causing Diseases occur either directly through its stings or bites, or by placing its toxins and secretions inside his body, or indirectly by transmitting diseases to him after his food has been contaminated by degrading it, and in all cases it is harm him in his body or property; Even if there are other insects that benefit him And benefit other organisms, including plants and animals, and from here the science of combating harmful insects arose Establishment of specialized companies and factories To be the applied aspect of what is the end of factories and specialized companies.

* Diseases transmitted to humans by insects represent 17% of the total infectious diseases that are transmitted to humans and cause the death of 700,000 people annually. They are caused by parasites, bacteria and viruses, and they are represented in: malaria, dengue fever and others. For example, fleas transmitted plague from mice to humans.

* Vectors, that is, insects, play the role of infectious pathogens between humans or from animal to human. These vectors are blood-sucking insects that swallow disease-causing microorganisms while eating their own blood meal from an infected host, whether human or animal, to transfer them later to a new host after reincarnation. It is a pathogen, and once a vector becomes infectious it is often able to transmit the disease for the remainder of its life. * Transmitted diseases directly affect the poor and rich populations alike, for example, since 2014, malaria, dengue fever and yellow fever have been transmitted among the population in tropical and subtropical regions and are candidates for transmission in many atmospheres of the world.

* In 2017, the World Health Assembly approved the global response to vector control for the period from 2017 to 2030, which includes guidelines directed to all countries of the world and development partners on accelerating the strengthening of vector control to prevent transmitted diseases. Our company in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain has followed up on the strategies of the Association The World Health Organization to contribute to the prevention and protection of the residents of Abu Dhabi and Al Ain from the danger of vectors or insects that transmit infectious and even non-communicable diseases between humans and themselves or between animals and humans, and the methods of prevention and their circulation among the residents of Abu Dhabi and Al Ain, bearing in mind that: “An dirham is better than a pound of cure.”

* Just looking at the list of diseases transmitted by insects to humans terrifies us and makes us take shelter in confronting and combating harmful insects, and among these diseases is syphilis, as we mentioned previously, a disease transmitted by mosquitoes and its symptoms range from muscle and joint pain to headache and fever and in advanced stages may These symptoms can be fatal. As for Zika disease, it has spread recently, and its symptoms include rashes, eye infections, joint pain, and almost permanent fever. It also causes birth defects in pregnant women. Researchers are still trying to find an effective vaccine for this disease.

* There is also Chico Nkunia disease, a disease transmitted by mosquitoes, and its symptoms are associated with fever and joint pain, and it is a disease that can be cured; But it can cause serious repercussions for patients, especially since there is no vaccine for it. As for malaria, it is one of the most prevalent diseases, and because of it, more than one million people die annually; Therefore, many countries of the world immunize their sports missions, embassy employees and others against all these diseases and strengthen their immunity.

* What we have mentioned in this article is very few, very many, about the dangers caused by diseases caused by harmful insects to humans. We call upon the residents of Abu Dhabi and Al Ain to raise the levels of interest in pest control to the highest levels of concern.

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